
I write because seeing the words helps me sort through my memories, feelings and concerns. I understand myself better when I take the time to translate thoughts to paper. The narrator of the book, Gilead, says, “For me writing has always felt like praying, even when I wasn’t writing prayers….” 1. That sums it up for me, perhaps explaining why I keep my Bible close at hand when I’m pouring the contents of my brain on to paper. But do I also lose something through the writing? Isak Dinesen’s collection of short stories entitled, Winter’s Tales, includes the story of a writer who had written a book that received serious acclaim. Following his success, though, he felt superficial, fearing he had written his words only for the people who wanted his books, the...

A Letter From My Parents

In going through boxes we pulled from the attic, I found a letter my parents wrote when I graduated from college.  I had forgotten its existence, but was warmed by its words when I read it today.  So, I share with you a piece of my history: May 16, 1976 Dearest Karen: Graduation Day is Here. It seems only yesterday that you were just a little girl with curly locks. Now you are an attractive young lady with a whole new life in front of you. Sixteen years in school seems like an eternity and yet this is really just the beginning. You now have a good foundation on which to begin the real education of your lifetime. Your academic excellence and your attitude and actions with the life God gave you has made us very proud and it is our privilege to say, “that’s our...


I don’t understand people who leave trash in their yards. One yard I pass numerous times every day has had the same pieces of litter lying in it for over a week. Drives me crazy. It’s the holiday season, so I tried to assume the folks were traveling and not available for maintenance. Yesterday, though, I noticed all of their outside Christmas lights and decorations had been removed. Yet the trash remains. How can people be in their yard, gathering decorations to put away for the year, and ignore four or five large pieces of paper lying in plain view? George, trying to strike a positive note, suggested that diversity in the neighborhood is a good thing, that I should be pleased to have neighbors with different attitudes and beliefs, and not expect everyone to be...